Sworn to Protect, or at Least to Learn About Protecting

I completed my 12-week citizen's police academy last night. The local newspaper even did a little article on us. It was fun, though I missed more sessions than I would have liked. It was neat to learn about how the police deal with gang problems, how the SWAT team works, etc. It'd be cool to carry a gun to work (and I suppose that working at home I could carry whatever I like to work!) Many of the folks in the class were actually trying to break into the profession. Not me. I'm content in my un-cop-ness, whatever that is. Probably the most eye-opening thing I learned was the severity of the gang problem in Greeley (about 30 min north). It's really bad, like leave-after-dark bad. So glad that problem hasn't migrated this direction just yet. It's a pretty ugly world to work in every day, from these cops' eyes. Now I'll go back into my naive little hole and put the rosy glasses back on.


Lori said…
Between the canning, coin collecting at christmas, and now becoming a certified sub-cop... you're really shaping up to be quite the outstanding citizen. I really think it's great that you take so much time to be a part of your community. Everyone should make such efforts.
The Toy Guru said…
How cute!! I saw this picture in the paper and never recognized you!!! I think it was the scruffy face!!! Now you can be in the next "Citizens on Patrol" Police Academy movie part 3!

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