Ouch, That Hurts
OK, am I "that" old? Nope, not yet. Yet, I manage to fall down (hard) on nice flat (ok, it was stepped) concrete. Darn near broke my ankle. Guess that's just karma for laughing at Shane's leg last month! Last Saturday I was leaving a friend's house and walking down their front steps when I tripped on some air pretty hard. In my defense, it was jagged air. I fell down the stairs, rolled, and probably said some things I shouldn't have. Good thing Misha was there to watch it all. When I stood up, I saw stars like I haven't seen in years. I was certain I was gonna pass out. Good thing I didn't. That would have been really ugly material. So I picked up my pride (a sma ll portion remained yet) and got Misha into the car, and we headed home. Other friends who were also leaving and who saw the flamboyant flop, kept asking if I was OK, so I had to play tough. When I got home, it hurt. It hurt bad. I knew it wasn't broken, but it was my left