Wow, the month has flown by. I have had very few witty things to share with the world. Mostly, it's because I've been playing Mr Mom for most of the last two weeks. Jo had some surgery. Let me tell you, HARD STUFF! Anyone want to watch my kids for the next 5 days?! It's spring break week, and ain't I excited... They're good girls, but last week was not our best week. It seemed that all I did was go through the house, pick up crap, and yell "didn't I tell you to do {something}" statements, only to do it all over again. I know, this is the part where both the women who read my blog laugh confidently with a "serves you right, you out-of-touch male!" However, I've been through this before, and I honestly think this has been the hardest bout. Jo had multi-day recoveries in the hospital with all of our kids, and so I'm no stranger to the Mr. Mom routine. It's just that now they're bigger and tend to make messes and troubl